Light the flame of self-love with this practice


These two words hold the power to fuel your focus, the feelings you carry, and the life you manifest for yourself. Just think about it. Think about the picture you project of your life when you speak words like “I am LONELY, SAD, DEPRESSED, POOR”. The more you speak, the more you feel. The more you feel, the more you start to see those words and feelings show up in your life. This week, start to become mindful of the words that follow, “I AM”. Let the words that follow be the words you wish to see for yourself. Try these on for size, “I am EMPOWERED, HAPPY, JOYOUS, STRONG, WELL-EQUPIPPED, ABUNDANT”. As one of my teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, said… “You will see it when you believe it”. This week, find the words and feelings that you want to manifest in your life and believe it. Feel the words. I AM HAPPY. I AM LOVE. I AM ENOUGH! This week, I have a beautiful practice to wrap around this mantra. This practices enhances the power of the words and will light you up! The I AM Ritual…for the life you wish to manifestThese two words hold the power to fuel your focus, the feelings you carry, and the life you manifest for yourself. Just think about it. Think about the picture you project of your life when you speak words like “I am LONELY, SAD, DEPRESSED, POOR”. The more you speak, the more you feel. The more you feel, the more you start to see those words and feelings show up in your life. This week, start to become mindful of the words that follow, “I AM”. Let the words that follow be the words you wish to see for yourself. Try these on for size, “I am EMPOWERED, HAPPY, JOYOUS, STRONG, WELL-EQUPIPPED, ABUNDANT”. As one of my teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer, said… “You will see it when you believe it”. This week, find the words and feelings that you want to manifest in your life and believe it. Feel the words. I AM HAPPY. I AM LOVE. I AM ENOUGH! This week, I have a beautiful practice to wrap around this mantra. This practices enhances the power of the words and will light you up! After you’ve taken a shower or bath, approach the mirror. Look deeply into your eyes and focus on the word you wish to manifest in your life. Maybe it’s “enough”, “strong”, “totally capable”, “happy” or “abundant”. Take several deep breaths, holding an image of the word in your mind’s eye.  With each inhale, act as though you are breathing the word into your body. With each exhale, release any tensionyour body may be responding with. After repeating several breaths like this, gently open your eyes. The repeat your “ I AM “ sentence out loud five times, while gazing deeply into your own eyes. Do this every time you exit the shower / bath while you are feeling relaxed. You may feel a little silly at first. You might not even be able to look in your own eyes at first and say these things out loud. But think about that. What does that say about your current state? Let’s work on getting to a place where you can psyche yourself up. Where you can trust yourself and honor these most beautiful and powerful words. Give yourself the gift of doing this practice every day for the next 2 weeks and let’s see what happens.Lots of Love,Meg