APRIL 2022

Welcome to April Portal!

Welcome to April within the Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Confidence! The April contains a powerful curation of classes and journal prompts to help you tap into your life force and magnetism, while releasing self-doubt and perceived limitations. Contained within these classes and prompts are tools to support you in accessing the capacity to carry out your purpose with joy and flow. Get ready to rise!!! 

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

  • Week 1: Bust through your Blocks

  • Week 2: Meet your Spiritual Warrior

  • Week 3: Strengthen your Aura

  • Week 4: Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t and Can’t”

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! magic@megsylvester.com 

Lots of love, 

Meg + Team Lotus Collective

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Bust through your Blocks

Journal Prompt: Think of one goal or vision you have. Now make a list of any perceived limitations you have around accomplishing this goal. Now flip the script. Next to each limitation, write something positive about yourself. Try to see the golden shadow!


Week 2: Meet your Spiritual Warrior

Journal Prompt: Finish this sentence, then riff on why: “When things get hard, I know I can call on…”


Week 3: Strengthen your Aura

Journal Prompt: Make an ‘I AM List’, then activate it. Here is how:

Make a list of 5-10 ‘I AM’s’

Use the words ‘I AM’ followed by an attribute of essence that you are ready to activate from within. Once you create your list, place your hands on the list, then close your eyes and imagine these attributes blossoming like a flower from within your solar plexus. You can also imagine a flame glowing more brilliant if that feels more powerful for you!


Week 4: Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t and Can’t”

Journal Prompt: When we focus on what has power, energy, and beauty in our lives the more growth we experience. Think about your whole being. What about you radiates power, positive energy, and beauty in the world?