December 2021

Welcome to the December Portal!

Welcome to December within The Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Ascension. The classes you have the opportunity to experience this month are dedicated to tuning into your inherent wisdom, Higher Self, angels, guides, and Christ Consciousness.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, who you’ve been, or who you’re becoming. The present moment always provides you with the opportunity to tune into your Higher Self. This version of “self” is where your cosmic wisdom resides, the place you can access higher states of consciousness, communicate with your angels and guides, and embody the essence of Christ Consciousness.

Christ Consciousness is the state of being by which your Higher Self and your Human Self have a mutual understanding of the unity of all souls with the Divine. This Knowing can also be referred to as Unity Consciousness. “Christ” has no religious affiliation, the word has origins in the Greek word “Christos” meaning “anointed one.”

The purpose of the classes this month is to encourage you to recognize the Divinity that resides within you at all times by inviting you into practices that are in resonance with the higher frequencies we all have access to.

Here are the classes you can look forward to this month:

  • Become Like the Angels. This class sets the stage for you to embody your angelic qualities - these often feel very light, expansive, loving, compassionate, and creative.

  • Liberate to Activate. This class helps you uncover the energies that are holding you back from more fully embodying your angelic qualities more frequently.

  • Access Your Higher Consciousness. This class allows you to access the loving space of your Higher Consciousness and invites you to tune into the wisdom this state of consciousness has to deliver to you.

  • Experience Heaven on Earth. This class encourages you to align with the feeling of what Heaven on Earth would feel like for you as a unique, multifaceted, wise soul. It also connects you with the world around you in prayer for Heaven on Earth for all beings.

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Become like the Angels

Journal Prompt: Describe your angelic nature. Who are you when you are aligned with your angelic frequency? What would life be like if you called on your angelic nature more often?


Week 2: Liberate to Activate

What patterns or thoughts are you ready to liberate yourself from? How will this release serve you in your ascension?


Week 3: Access Your Higher Consciousness

After completing this meditation, connect with your higher consciousness through journaling. At the top of your page, write “Spirit, thank you for writing through me” and then let your pen flow. There are no expectations, simply allow your highest self, guides, angels, and ancestors to write through you!


Week 4: Experience Heaven On Earth