January 2022

Welcome to January Portal!

Welcome to 2022, Lotus Collective! Get ready to expand into this new year in a way that leaves you feeling grateful, proud, and aligned. This month’s theme is Abundance + Manifestation. The beginning of a new year feels like a clean slate in a lot of ways, and this month’s practices are curated to help you cultivate aligned intentions to expand into the highest version of yourself.

Here are the classes you can look forward to this month:

  • The first class, “Blossom into your full expression + Intention Setting” will leave you feeling refreshed and keenly aware of what you’d like to call in this year. 

  • Week 2 we get to drop into a Prosperity Activation practice together. This class helps us feel into the reality of our true and inherent abundance - feeling is believing.

  • When you place yourself in the energetic resonance of expansion, love, and delight - expansive, loving, delightful opportunities come knocking at your door. Week 3 we have the opportunity to dedicate a class to manifesting expansive opportunities, I wonder what magic is possible for you this year!

  • The fourth week of January brings a Class for Divine Alignment. Let’s be clear, you are always in alignment with something. “Getting into alignment” is simply shifting your alignment from one resonance to another. Divine alignment suggests that you are in alignment with The Divine, the highest, love.

  • To conclude the month of January and the theme of Abundance + Manifestation, the mantra Ek Ong Kar will help us bring our energy centers into alignment with each other and the source of all creation. Look forward to learning how to properly chant this mantra and the power of doing so in Week 5 of January within the Lotus Collective.

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! magic@megsylvester.com 

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Blossom into your full expression + Intention Setting

Journal Prompt: Choose one word to be your guiding force throughout the year. What does this word feel like and mean to you?


Week 2: Prosperity Activation

Journal Prompt: Riff on the following: “I used to believe, now I know…”


Week 3: Manifest Expansive Opportunities

Journal Prompt: In order to create space for more expansive and uplifting opportunities, you may need to let go of commitments that no longer align with your vision.

What commitments, relationships or other circumstances can you release in order to invite in higher frequencies of abundance?


Week 4: Class for Divine Alignment

Journal Prompt: At the top of your journal write ‘Thank you highest self for writing through me’ then let your pen flow!


Week 5: Ek Ong Kar

Journal Prompt: Write about your experience during Ek Ong Kar. Putting pen to paper is a powerful practice when manifesting!