March 2022

Welcome to March Portal!

Welcome to March within the Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Creativity! The March practices are curated to help you unleash your creative potential. This doesn’t just pertain to the arts…cultivating a deep relationship with your creative flow can lead to a life of joy, passion, abundance, and more! In this module, you’ll learn how to go with the flow, the creative flow that is! Tune into your intuitive hits, and your sense of play to unleash the flow of your creative power. Get ready to experience more richness and wonder in your life, as you open up the flow of your unique genius! 

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

  • Week 1: Kundalini for Superhuman Creativity

  • Week 2: A Mantra to Awaken Your Flow State 

  • Week 3: Kundalini to Meet Your Muse

  • Week 4: Clearing Brain Fog with Kirtan Kriya

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Lots of love, 

Meg + Team Lotus Collective

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Kundalini for Superhuman Creativity

Journal Prompt: Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a fully expressed being. How does it feel? What are you doing?

Who is with you? What are you wearing?

What are you passionate about?

Describe yourself as a fully expressed and a total embodiment of your creative capacity.


Week 2: A Mantra to Awaken Your Flow State

Journal Prompt: Are you currently engaging in any activities or situations that are cutting you off from your creative flow?

How can you create more space to get into your flow?


Week 3: Kundalini to Meet Your Muse

Journal Prompt: Imagine your muse. What does he/she/they feel like, sound like, look like?

Close your eyes and feel into the space of your muse, then write the following sentence and let your pen flow: “My muse. My muse. I call unto thee. Tell me what you have for me.”


Week 4: Clearing Brain Fog with Kirtan Kriya

Journal Prompt: How can I support my creative flow today?