may 2022

Welcome to May Portal!

Welcome to May within the Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Rituals. Each and every class is designed to support you through the rhythms of life.

This month will feel a little different than what you’ve experienced with past portals. Rather than focusing on a specific theme, we wanted to give you simple rituals to integrate into your daily life. You will learn and experience the ritual during the class video, then you can use it and even combine it with other classes! 

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

  • Week 1: The Miracle Morning Ritual (Class will be Live on Zoom, Sunday, May 1st | 8:00 am CT, recording will be added to portal)

  • Week 2: The Lotus Evening Ritual (Class will be Live on Zoom, Sunday, May 8th | 8:00 pm CT, recording will be added to portal)

  • Week 3: Full Moon Ritual for Releasing and Restoring

  • Week 4: Self-Care Ritual to Shake off Stress

  • Week 5: New Moon Ritual for Activation

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Lots of love, 

Meg + Team Lotus Collective

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: The Miracle Morning Ritual

(Live Class on Zoom, Sunday May 1st | 8:00am CT)

Check Out Your Kundalini Spotify Playlist!


Week 2: The Lotus Evening Ritual

(Live Class recording on Zoom, Sunday May 8th | 8:00pm CT)

Check out your evening ritual playlist on Spotify!


Week 3: Full Moon Ritual for Releasing and Restoring

Journal Prompt: I am leaving behind, so I can make space for…


Week 4: Self-Care Ritual to Shake off Stress

Journal Prompt: Make a list of 3-5 things that are going well in your life today. This can be anything from your toilet flushing to your eyes blinking or something bigger! What we focus on grows. Shift out of stress by focusing on what’s working.


Week 5: New Moon Ritual for Activation

Journal Prompt: Using the wisdom that surfaced during your meditation, make a list of 1-3 goals you would like to work on during this Lunar Cycle. Get as clear and specific as possible. Beneath each goal write one inspired action you will commit to taking in the next few days while the energy of the new moon is still activated.