November 2021

Welcome to the November Portal!

Welcome to November within The Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Body Love. The relationship we have with our bodies impacts how we operate and show up in the world. This month was specifically designed to give you the space and grace to relax into the body you are in, release the hurtful thoughts towards your body, and build a loving relationship with the body you have been gifted for this life.

For as long as you can remember, you have been surrounded by toxic messaging about bodies and impossible beauty standards. It comes from all angles - the media, your family, peers… no wonder we feel this constant pressure to be “perfect.” Over time, we tend to absorb toxic ideals about what our bodies should be, instead of learning how to nourish, accept, and love ourselves for the simple magic of having a body in the first place. 

A positive body image isn’t a final destination but a journey, one of self-acceptance composed of conscious daily decisions and commitment to a greater awareness of why one feels as one does. Though the journey may be challenging at times, know that finding liberation from body dissatisfaction is possible. 

Here are the classes you can look forward to this month:

  • Learning the Secret Messages of the Body

  • See Your Inner Beauty

  • The Medicine of Gratitude 

  • The Path of Self Acceptance

  • Special Bonus Class

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Your Weekly Videos


Week 1: Learning the secret messages of the body

Journal Prompt: Imagine your body was a small child who so desired your love and affection. Write the words your body would love to hear from you now.


Week 2: See Your Inner Beauty

Journal Prompt: Why did your soul choose this body in this lifetime? How has your body supported you in becoming the highest version of yourself? What lessons has your body taught you?

Week 3: Live Class with Meg Replay - Kundalini for Stress Relief & Holiday Season Support

Journal Prompt: Take 3 minutes to make a list of what is going right in this moment. Once your pen reaches a stopping point, take the remainder of the 3 minutes to breath into the space that are going well.

Week 4: The Medicine of Gratitude

Journal Prompt: Take 3 minutes to list everything you appreciate about your body! Once you finish, place your hands on what you’ve written and breathe it in. Ignite the attitude of gratitude within you!

Week 5: The Path of Self Acceptance

Journal Prompt: Is there an aspect of yourself that you have resisted (be it a personality trait, physical, or even circumstantial). Why has this facet of yourself been so hard to accept? Are you willing to show this aspect more grace and compassion now?