3 Things to Remember When Making a Difficult Decision

Have you ever come to a crossroad in your life that leads you to this feeling of being stuck? Have you ever had a though time making a big decision because you are scared you’ll make the wrong one? Major choices aren’t always easy, especially when they have big consequences and can radically change the direction of your life. But I’ve got you. Follow these three steps to make decision making feel easier and intuitively guided. With this method, every choice you make will be the right choice.

If you are struggling to make a choice, remember these 3 things: 

  1. Every choice is made through either the energy of love or of fear

  2. It’s not really about WHAT choice you make but WHY you make it

  3. Any choice make through the energy of pure love will be the right one

1. Fear vs Love 

When you are faced with a decision to make, consider the feelings that each option evokes. It might not be evident at first glance, but if you sit down and consider it, you’ll realize that every decision you make comes from an energy of fear or of love.

2. Why Not What

Because every choice is made out of either love or fear, the consequence doesn’t depend on what you choose. It depends on WHY you choose it. Thus, when you are faced with a difficult decision, toss the pros and cons list aside for a bit. Instead, consider the energy associated with each option. 

Ask yourself, “Why am I making this choice? Am I afraid? Am I doing this purely, 100% out of love?”

3. The Right Choice

Once you ask yourself that, it no longer matters which option seems more logical. The right choice is just the one made out of pure love. It’s as simple (and difficult) as that. 

Right Does Not Mean Easy

Remember, the loving choice doesn’t mean it is easy. The right path is often the harder one that requires more strength and courage. But if you walk it, you will see that it has the most beautiful results for everyone. These results may be in the form of lessons learned, experiences, and growth. 

So how can you determine what the right, most loving choice is? Pray for guidance. And then open up your heart and listen. Let yourself become a channel for guidance from the higher realms. 

Want some confirmation that you are on the right path? Book a 50-minute Soul Clarity Session in which the communication between your mind and soul will be opened so that you can channel messages from your angels, guides, and spiritual entities.