How to Channel High Frequency Messages

We all have to make some big decisions in life. Should I take this job? Is this the right decision? Should I leave this relationship? Wouldn’t it be easier if someone could tell you exactly what to do?

We often forget, though, that we aren’t alone. We have infinite wisdom to support and guide us; we just have to ask. 

But how? 

A wonderful means of tapping into this higher guidance is by connecting with nature. Crystals, plants, and animals all vibrate with life force energy that supports us in our path to a lighter and more connected way of being.

When we communicate at a deeper level with the world around us, we can tap into the medicine and the wisdom that nature has to offer. As a result, our experiences become much more meaningful at the soul level. We release the dense 3D energy, and enter a higher version of ourselves. 

How to Access Divine Guidance Through Nature

Find some plants, rocks, or crystals and sit in silent meditation. 

Take 20 deep breaths. Inhale and exhale through your nose. Mentally focus on the higher realms, and invite the feelings of lightness and joy into your heart. 

Grab one of your selected items and hold it in your hand. 

Say hello to it. Thank it for being with you. Then, tune into its frequency. Ask what wisdom it has for you, and what it can help you with on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. 

Don’t limit your ability to receive messages, by thinking the answers will only come in the form of clear words. Instead trust that this deep wisdom can enter your consciousness in the forms of feelings, and a deep knowing. 

Choose your next item and repeat this process. Refrain from comparing or trying to deem which answer is better; simply observe the difference in the wisdom they offer. 

Record your answers in a journal. 

Have you ever communicated with the living world around you? Share your thoughts below after trying this exercise.