How to Cope with a Scary Diagnosis

I’ve been questioning whether or not I should share this because I don’t want to draw attention onto what I’m wanting to clear and heal. But I also know how powerful it is to talk about what’s been placed in our paths - for all of us. Vulnerability has gotten me through a hell of a year and by opening my heart to you, I have received tremendous amounts of love and support. ⁣

So I’d like to share now with you that I’ve recently been diagnosed with Lyme Disease. ⁣

Actually, what I’d really like to say is that “I am now healing from Lyme Disease”. ⁣

I am very tuned into my body. I’ve also gotten pretty good at being able to observe the crashing waves of the mind rather than being swept under. Starting this fall I sensed a disturbance in the force. I attributed it to the grief from losing my dad coupled with the fact that I’m a mother of three & running my own biz. But something told me it was more. ⁣

After going through my health history my dr decided to run a Lyme panel, which came back positive.⁣

I’m SUPER optimistic. I know that illness can be an initiation, and I am acutely aware that I am being guided. I am not scared. I’m not panicked. I’m super grounded & committed to healing. I am a warrior. And I know that my perspective is what will see me through to the other side. ⁣

For the last several years I have been healing out loud. No one ever told me to do this or that this is what I *should* do. It’s just what I know, it’s just who I am. I share. I like connecting the dots of situations, circumstances, & occurrences that don’t seem to be related. I love being able to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary by flipping the script and finding the miracle. And i love sharing it with you, it’s what feeds my soul. ⁣

So I will share with you what I learn, & how this disease will help me to become even stronger and blossom into the woman I came here to be. ⁣

I know I am being cracked open to become an even clearer channel for Spirit to speak through & my art to move through.  I just might have to rest a little more ⁣

I have a team of wonderful specialists and Lyme thrivers supporting me. ⁣

And I also humbly ask for your love too. ⁣<3