Self-Love Tip: Use your own love language on yourself

Self-love is a trending buzzword lately. With all the talk around it, though, the concept still seems vague. How are you actually supposed to love yourself?

Let me ask you: how do you love others?

Love Languages

Everyone has a love language, and the one they lean towards is how they feel and express the most love.

The five love languages are:

  • Words of Affirmation (mine)

  • Acts of Service

  • Receiving Gifts

  • Quality Time

  • Physical Touch

So if your partner’s love language is physical touch, giving them a hug would make them feel much more loved than getting them a gift.

Similarly, the most effective way to show yourself love is through your love language.

Loving Yourself

First, you have to identify what your love language is. If you aren’t sure, you can take the test here.

Once you know what your love language is, you can start to communicate with yourself via that language.

For example, if you have an affinity towards words of affirmation, you can start by repeating empowering mantras like “you are loved” or “you are beautiful” to yourself. You can look in the mirror and compliment yourself. You could even write a letter to yourself, congratulating yourself on everything you did well, describing how proud you are of yourself.

If you scored high on gifts, then reward yourself with something you’ve been wanting. It doesn’t have to be big - it could just be a piece of chocolate or a bunch of flowers!

If you are high on quality time, then you might block out 30 minutes for yourself every day- whether to watch Netflix or go for a walk in nature.

For physical touch, you can start by taking care of your body. You might take yourself to the spa, or do a workout. Wearing something cozy is also a way to communicate love to your body.

Acts of service sounds trickier than it is. Think of things that need to get done to make your life easier. It might be cleaning your room, getting organized, or making that appointment.

Have you ever tried this or thought about using your love language on yourself? What a beautiful practice right?

How can you use your love language to communicate with yourself today?