You Manifest Your Expectations, Not Your Desires

Do you think you deserve everything you want?

The key to manifestation is to truly believe that you deserve what you want to manifest. I know this might be hard for you to digest. If I had read this before I started on my healing journey, I would’ve rolled my eyes and called BS.⁣

But why?

Because it triggered me. I thought I was totally fine, and this manifestation stuff was something stupid that clearly didn’t work.

It wasn’t until I was cracked open by a life circumstance that I realized I was harboring a lot of self-doubt, fear, and insecurity. My ego latched onto these feelings and amplified them, attracting situations to prove itself right.

The Ego Loves to be Right

Remember, the ego loves to prove itself right. ⁣So while I craved a thriving business and financial stability, my fear was much stronger than my desires. My fear-based expectation was “no matter how hard I try, I’ll never make it, because I’m missing that special something.”

These expectations were the magnet that attracted my life circumstances, not the desires that sat on the tip of the iceberg. I was stuck in a constant loop of self-sabotage, attracting my difficulties, while I called out the Law of Attraction to be a farce.

Rewriting Your Beliefs

The key to releasing yourself from attracting the life you don’t want is to get deep and clean out all the limiting beliefs you carry. Through tools like meditation, kundalini, and self-reflection, you can reprogram these old habits and patterns into empowering truthful beliefs. When you release fear, you find love. You realize that you are whole. You realize that you already have that ‘special something’. You are the co-creator of your life. Gentle Reminder: We are always reaching a new level of growth, to be fully clear of all limiting beliefs may not ever be possible, but it is possible to acknowledge them, call them out, and rise above.

Release the Attachment to Time

It’s okay if things take time to manifest. The universe does not operate under the constraint of time, so don’t attach your self-worth to a timeline. Remain focused on what you want with enthusiasm, without attachment to the “when”.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever manifested?

Are you ready to release the self-doubt and fear that is holding you back from your manifestations? Book a 50-minute Soul Clarity Session with me to reprogram old habits and patterns so that you can attract your dream life!