That Mean Girl Voice in Your Head

“You’re an imposter”
“It’ll be easier if you just shut up and stay quiet”
“You don’t know enough”
“What if you screw up and people think you’re not any good?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“Why will anyone listen to you?”
“You mess up everything”
“What if you embarrass yourself?”

How many times do you find yourself thinking these harsh thoughts, doubting yourself and your capabilities?

It’s hard to take risks and play big when you are your biggest discourager. But, this voice in your head isn’t you. This is the ‘the mean girl voice’, and this mean girl isn’t you. She is the voice of your fears.

My Journey

Before my awakening, this mean girl voice usually won. I was so terrified of rejection and of judgment, that I preferred to stay chained to my fears rather than progress towards my dreams. Can you believe that?

An Illusion

In reality, these fears are just an illusion. The only Truth is love. As you do the inner work and begin the awakening journey, you will begin to see these fears, acknowledge them, and then move past them.

It Does Not Have to be a Constant Battle

The choice between self-love and self-loathing is one you may have to face every day. Some days it will be easier than others. But remember, if you hear these doubts, these hateful comments, and this mean voice, you aren’t alone. Even I still face these fears, albeit much less than before. But, every day, we both have a choice. We have the choice to stay chained to your fears or to break free. Instead of thinking that it’s a battle, shift your focus. Understand it is as choice you get to make. You are an empowered being instilled with free will. You get to make the choice: will it be fear or love, self-loathing or self-love. The more and more you chose self love, the easier it will become.

Always remember, you are not your thoughts, you are not your fears. You are your dreams!

The next time you hear the mean girl inside of your head, try these steps:

  • Recognize the voice is just fear

  • Call it out: I see you, I hear you

  • Become the authority: If you don’t want fear to be in the driver’s seat, then you’ve got to take the wheel. Make the decision that you are in charge

  • Tune into your heart: What is the next right action?

  • Feel the fear and do it anyway: Take the step, even if it feels big and scary

  • Celebrate your victory: Choosing love can feel scary because it may be out of your comfort zone. Make sure to celebrate your victory, no matter how big or small. Even a pause accompanied by a deep breath while telling yourself “good job” is enough!

Want to move past your fears and begin chasing your dreams? Book a 50-minute Soul Clarity Session for support and guidance from me that will empower you to reprogram your mindset so that you finally feel free.

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