August 2022

Welcome to August Portal!

Welcome to August within the Lotus Collective! This month’s theme is Creating Expansive Relationships with the Mangala Charan Mantra.

Introducing the Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart

This meditation gives you a magnetic personality and is powerful for attracting friendships. The Mangala Charan Mantra surrounds the magnetic field with protective light which also helps to repel any energies that are not in your highest interest.

It means:

Aad Guray Nameh – I bow to the Primal Wisdom

Jugaad Guray Nameh – I bow to the wisdom through the Ages

Sat Guray Nameh – I bow to the True Wisdom

Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh – I bow to the great, unseen Wisdom.

Project the mind out as you chant. The full extension of the arms is timed to the chant. Imagine projecting love and shimmering light from your heart and then receiving it back tenfold as you pull the arms back into the body. 

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

  • On-Demand Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart in your member portal

  • Weekly Journal Prompts, Inspired Action Assignments & Affirmations designed to help you create and sustain uplifting and expansive relationships.

  • Weekly links to suggested supplemental practices from the library of classes.

  • Continued Access to the entire library of on-demand classes

You’re not alone on this journey! 

Connect with your fellow TLC members via Telegram or Facebook.

The Lotus Collective is on Instagram!  

For support, please reach out to my team! 

Lots of love, 

Meg + Team Lotus Collective

Your Weekly Journal Prompts & Inspired Action Assignments:


Week 1: Creating expansive and uplifting relationships


Week 1 Prompt, Action, Affirmation:


Journal Prompt: It is said that by doing this practice you can call in relationships and friendships that enhance and uplift your entire life! Take some time now to journal about how you’d like your friendships to feel moving forward. 

Inspired Action Assignment: Next time you find yourself in a positive situation with a friend, take a moment to close your eyes and give thanks for the exchange. Signal to the Universe that this is what you want more of. One of Meg’s favorite practices to do during a really beautiful moment is to close her eyes and whisper “More of this please”. Try it out as many times as you can this week! 

Affirmation: I am a magnet for positive relationships

Week 1 Suggested Supplemental Practice: See your Inner Beauty” Let your inner light shine through to attract high-vibe relationships!


Week 2: Redefining your Current Relationships

Week 2 Prompt, Action, Affirmation:

Journal Prompt: How can you take accountability in your current relationships (romantic, professional, and/or friendships) to create positive and healthy shifts? This may also include setting boundaries. 

Inspired Action Assignment: This week, pay attention to the Sacred Pause. Before you react with a reflexive response or behavior within a relationship (people pleasing, expecting the worst, etc), practice the sacred pause. Take a deep breath before reacting or responding and ask yourself what response would reflect the type of relationship you would like to be in.

Affirmation: I respond through the lens of self-love and compassion for all

Week 2 Suggested Supplemental Practice: “Liberate to Activate” from December’s Ascension portal. Imagine liberating yourself from habitual responses and patterns when it comes to your relationships, so that you can create from a space of free-will, self-love, and expansion.


Week 3: Deepening Intimacy: See and be Seen


Week 3 Prompt, Action, Affirmation:

Journal Prompt: What would you like others to know about you? To truly witness and understand? Is there a part of yourself you treasure that for some reason you feel others may not be able to see? How can you help others to see these facets of yourself that make you, YOU? (your answers may differ for each type of relationship: romantic, professional and friendly)


Inspired Action Assignment: Intimacy is a two-way street (and reaches for beyond romantic relationships). This week, challenge yourself to see beyond the surface in at least one special relationship. If the opportunity presents itself and the other person feels comfortable, try to have beautiful, heart-centered conversation around each other's hopes, desires, and dreams. This can even be with one of your children if you are a parent or guardian. Remember to keep this uplifting and compassionate. This is not about forcing ideas onto each other or digging into trauma. 


Affirmation: I mirror the beauty in others and receive that beauty back ten-fold


Week 3 Suggested Supplemental Practice: “Open the Lock of the Heart” for Self-Love & Compassion. Imagine a free flow of love and deep respect, calling in people who really and truly see you for all that you are! 


Week 4: Is it time to move on?

Week 4 Prompt, Action, Affirmation:

Journal Prompt: Make a list of the people in your life that you interact with the most. Beside each relationship, mark if it feels uplifting or draining. Then take a deep dive into the relationship and reflect there is an opportunity to restructure, distance or cut ties completely. Reflect on how these actions will benefit your life (and perhaps the other person’s as well). 


Inspired Action Assignment: Celebrate yourself for creating and honoring a new boundary within a current relationship that you feel may no longer be serving you. Honoring a new boundary can be tough, and may even lead to second-guessing yourself, especially if the other person has a negative response. Rather than linger on the denser feelings, take some time to celebrate your strength so that you begin to lay down new neural circuitry that supports your relationship goals.  

Affirmation: My relationships are healthy, positive, and supportive.

Week 4 Suggested Supplemental Practice: “Trusting & Letting Go  + Chant for Lost Loved Ones” Work with this practice to deepen Trust in your inner wisdom, infusing the act of letting go with grace and compassion. Work with the mantra Akal to move through the grief of saying good-bye to former relationships. You may also want to try Cut the Cords, from the October portal as well. 


Week 5: Call in your Community!

Week 4 Prompt, Action, Affirmation:

Journal Prompt: Imagine a community of like-hearted individuals: one that feels joyful, supportive, and liberating. Use your page to reflect on how you’d like your community to feel. Where might they be? How might you meet them or call them in? Write out any virtues, strengths, or traits this community may uphold and project out into the world. Begin to feel this community within your being and / or see it in your mind’s eye. List any details you think might help you to get into the energy of this community so that you can become a magnet for the tribe you are seeking!


Inspired Action Assignment: Say Yes! Attend a class, workshop, event, etc that reflects the energy you are looking for in a community. This can be online or in person - whatever suits your lifestyle and preferences. Open the door and walk through it!

Affirmation: I surround myself with people who uplift and support me, and I do the same for them!

Week 5 Suggested Supplemental Practice: “Experience Heaven On Earth” within December’s Ascension portal. As you move through this practice, imagine being surrounded by your community wrapped in love, support and creative expression!